C30 Computer Controlled Wind Tunnel Educational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment

C30 Computer Controlled Wind Tunnel Educational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment

C30 Computer Controlled Wind Tunnel Educational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment


C30 Computer Controlled Wind Tunnel Educational Training Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory Equipment


The C30 – Computer Controlled Wind Tunnel enables the user to carry out advanced studies in the Aerodynamics fields including boundary layer experiments, flow visualisation, pressure distribution, study of turbulence and offering the possibility of developing self-design aerodynamics profiles to be tested.

The wind tunnel comprises outstanding features such as computer control, remote operation, datalogging and diagrams plotting in real time.

The system also benefits from clear visualisation of every model under test due to the architecture of the working section in transparent material and the compact design of all components.


A stand-alone computer controlled subsonic wind tunnel for conducting experiments in aerodynamics

The wind tunnel is mounted on a steel base on wheels for mobility

Working section of 310mm by 310mm and 660mm long

The unit operates as an open circuit system

Inverter controlled AC suction fan to drag the air flow through the working section

Accurate speed control up to 40m/s

The duct incorporates a honeycomb flow straightener to even the direction of flow

The working section incorporates three tappings on its top section to incorporate pitot tubes. These are located at the start of the working section, upstream and downstream of the model under test location

All the optional and self-built models are inserted through a circular hatch of 160mm diameter. Each of the accessories supplied are built into individual hatches which incorporate an angular scale, enabling the models to be manually rotated to known angles

Linear speed – 0-40m/s

Working section

Length: 600mm

Width: 310mm

Height: 310mm

Axial fan power – Approx. 4kW

Fan turning speed – 3000rpm

Measuring ranges

Manometer: 0-250mm H₂0

Wind speed: 0-40m/s

Angle of inclination: +/- 180°

Lift force: +/- 10N

Drag force: +/- 10N

Pitching moment: +/- 3N


Investigation of the development of the boundary layer on a flat plate by measurement of the total head distribution*

C30-11 Manometer Bank / C30-12 Electronic Manometer Bank

To convert a head measurement using a manometer to an equivalent pressure reading

To demonstrate the use of a static pressure reading to determine tunnel air velocity

C30-13 Lift and Drag Balance

To measures the lift and drag forces (aerodynamic loads)

C30-14 Pitot Static Tube

Static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure

To demonstrate the difference between Static pressure, Dynamic pressure and Total pressure and how Dynamic pressure can be used to determine air velocity

To show how velocity varies in the test section because of the velocity profile

C30-15 Wake Survey Rake

Comparison of drag for shapes of equal equatorial diameter

Visualisation of flow around different body shapes

Measurement of the wake profile behind different shapes

C30-16 /17-Asoft 3-Component Balance – armSOFT

To measure lift, drag and moment forces

C30-20 Lift and Drag Aerofoil

Lift and Drag forces on a symmetrical aerofoil at different angles of attack

To convert a head measurement using a manometer to an equivalent pressure reading

To convert head and pressure readings to alternative engineering units

To demonstrate the use of a static pressure reading to determine tunnel air velocity

C30-22 Drag Models

Drag forces on bluff and streamlined bodies

Comparison of drag for shapes of equal equatorial diameter

Visualisation of flow around different body shapes

Measurement of the wake profile behind different shapes (requires C30-15)

C30 Airplane Models, C30-35 Car Model

Visualise airflow over various aircraft at different angles of attack

Visualise airflow over a car

C30-30-01,02,03,04,06,07 Wing Models

Lift, Drag and Moment forces on a aircraft wing at different angles of attack

To convert a head measurement using a manometer to an equivalent pressure reading

To convert head and pressure readings to alternative engineering units

To demonstrate the use of a static pressure reading to determine tunnel air velocity

C30-30-02 Wing Model Type 2 NACA 633-618 (Requires C30-13 or C30-16/17)

C30-31 Aerofoil Model with Flap (Requires C30-13 or C30-16/17)

Effect of Lift, Drag and Moment forces on a aircraft wing with change of flap angle

To investigate the effects of control surfaces such as flaps, ailerons, elevator, or rudder

Influence of a flap

C30-42 Winglets Kit (Requires C30-13 or C30-16/17)

Wing Theory

Lift, Drag and Moment forces on a aircraft winglet at different angles of attack

Observation of eddies on winglets

C30-23 Pressure Cylinder), C30-18-01 Cylinder with Pressure Tapping for 3600 Drive

Flow around a cylinder

To investigate the variation in Static Head resulting from a change in cross-section area

The measurement of pressure distribution around a circular cylinder at different velocities (and Reynolds Number)

C30-21 Pressure Wing NACA 0015, C30-32 Pressure Wing NACA 54118 Profile, C30-33 Pressure Wing NACA 4415 Profile

Flow and pressure distribution around a symmetrical aerofoil at different angles of attack

To investigate the pressure distribution across the wake behind the wing

C30-24 Bernoulli Apparatus (requires C30-11 or C30-22)

Effect of change in cross-section and application of Bernoulli equation

To investigate the variation in Static Head resulting from a change in cross-sectional area

To investigate the Bernoulli equation (if C30-14 Pitot Static Tube is also available)

C30-25 Boundary Layer Plate (requires C30-11 or C30-22)

Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Development

To measure the depth of the boundary layer on smooth and rough flat plates

C30-34 Spring Mounted Wing Model

Aeroelastic Flutter

*additional accessory’s required dependant on experiment

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