TQ AF1450D SET OF 2 NACA 0012 AEROFOILS Educational Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Equipment

TQ AF1450D SET OF 2 NACA 0012 AEROFOILS Educational Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Equipment

TQ AF1450D SET OF 2 NACA 0012 AEROFOILS Educational Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Equipment For Vocational Training Center, Technical Institution, Engineering University, TVET Schools.


TQ AF1450D SET OF 2 NACA 0012 AEROFOILS Educational Equipment Hydrodynamics Experiment Apparatus Equipment


A set of two aerofoils. One aerofoil has a span that extends the full width of the working section of the Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1450S). This model has the characteristics of a two-dimensional aerofoil. The other aerofoil has a span that extends for half of the working section of the wind tunnel. This model has the characteristics of a three-dimensional aerofoil. Comparing the measured lift and drag of the two aerofoils shows the differences between two-dimensional and three-dimensional aerofoils.

Using a Pitot tube, students can traverse the aerofoil wake of the full-width aerofoil. This gives them the downstream pressure distribution to find the drag on the aerofoil. They can compare their results to direct measurements from a balance (available separately).

Students can compare the results from the full-width aerofoil with the tapped aerofoil model (AF1450b, available separately) as it has the same (NACA0012) section.

Smoke Generator (AFA11, not included) increases the educational value of the experiments by showing the flow of air around the model.

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